So I’ve recently started developing Android applications! First application published was my NRIC Checker application for which I have a web version on ( since 2009!
Many of my friends asked “Why the hell do I need this?”
There are many apps out there which you don’t essentially need.
This is a utility, a tool, to help people who have to deal with data entry.
I’ve got people telling me that they need to key in NRIC numbers into their computer database from handwritten forms and it proved to be a nightmare when they encounter handwriting that is illegible. Admittedly, my web application, though still being used, isn’t the most convenient way to access on the go.
With recent motivations of becoming an app developer, here you go … my NRIC Checker application on Android:

iOS version is coming soon .. just need to sort out some limitations I faced with getting my app launched and approved for the App Store 🙁