It is the tailend of Trimester 2. I am quite surprised Trimester 2 just whizzed past like that. Just when I was starting to enjoy the pregnancy and enjoying the moments of no-nausea, the regained energy level and the starting of feeling baby movements in me, it is already the tailend! And I can feel the difference. The bump had a growth spurt over the last month and I put on the most weight during this period. I am desperately applying stretch mark cream, hopefully to reduce the stretchmarks which will come in vengeance in tri 3. Talking bout stretch mark creams, im sure everyone has their own preference, I had recommendations to try the Clarin’s Stretch Mark Control Cream and I absolutely love it! Well of course that didn’t come cheap, but I love it because it is scentless and easily absorbed. It also helped to make my belly skin supple and soft, so that there is elasticity when stretched. I know there are people who also swear by Palmers or BioOil. Well, just try a few and stick to what works best for you 😉

I also am using the Clarin’s Tonic Oil. It is supposed to be used after showers so that the oil gets absorbed well by the skin, but I use it when hubs help to rub my back or light massages. The aroma from the oil is so yummy, its almost like being in a spa. I also bought the Clarin’s Leg Emulsion Cream which helps to energize tired legs. In fact I felt that it helped when I had to walk a lot and before I sleep, my legs do not attempt to cramp up so much. There was once I had a bad cramp while sleeping and the cramp effect lasted till the next day, I applied the cream and felt so much better. Hubs says it smells funky though. I think it is a mixture of tonics that’s why. But heck it! As long as it helps and doesn’t smell like shit, its fine.
So we are also mid way through our Anenatal Classes at Mount Alvernia’s Parent Craft. The 1st lesson was about basic nutrition, and the next 2 lessons were on posture, massage and breathing techniques. As much as I would think that the breathing techniques are good, but in times of labour, who would have the mind to breathe properly?! We also went on a maternity tour at Mount Alvernia, and I am glad that we have decided to choose this hospital to deliver our baby. The tour guide, Veronica was awesome, she explained everything so clearly and made us feel like the patients are most important, and that the hospital is not out to profit from us. We visited the delivery suites, the various available wards and the nursery. When we were standing at the entrance of Mount Alvernia, it was about check out time, and there was so many new born and their parents going home. For a moment I felt so emotional, and I know it would soon be our turn. Psst, I tried to have a few options and I tried to book the maternity tour at Mount E Novena, but somehow the patient liaison officer was not helpful at all, and there wasn’t any available slot till end December. So we decided to give it up.
Baby kicks are awesome. I don’t know how I survived first tri without this! Im sort of addicted to feeling my baby kicks. Although I have yet to establish a daily routine of the baby kicks, I know she is most active at about 8am, 3pm, 8pm and 3am. Some nights I even wake up because of her kicks. Some days when im driving, I can literally feel my whole belly shift! I really wish I could share this experience with hubs, but whenever he place his hand on my belly, I don’t know if she feels comforted that papa’s here so she stops moving or what. Hahaha! She doesn’t do all these violent kicks when he places his hand on my belly. Strange!
We had our gynae visits (now on a monthly basis) at Dr Siow last Saturday, and baby is weighing in at 720grams. The average weight of baby at this week is 611g to 861g so phew, baby is still within the range. The last we saw her on the ultrasound, she was still gaining her fats and basically still looking like a skeleton. In this visit, we were so amazed because she has put on weight and fats and we could see her chubby cheeks! Because her eyes are still fused closed, and one of her hand was near her mouth, she somehow look like she was smiling at us. Sigh, so cute already. Cant take it! The next visit, I have to take the Glucose Test to test for Gestational Diabetes – a high blood sugar condition that happens in pregnant women. Am not looking forward to the test because it involves taking a blood test, and then gulping down a 50grams sweet liquid, and then another blood test. It is the sweet liquid im afraid of because I heard you may gag and want to puke it out but you cant!
I also started reading up on delivery methods and pain interventions during delivery, and to be honest, im starting to freak out! As much as my pain tolerance is quite okay, but the thought of labour is scary. Epidural? Or no epidural? C sec? or au natural? I am also starting to worry about breastfeeding. I am on a few breastfeeding groups and reading the problems they face, it is quite scary. I tell myself not to stress out if I am not able to breastfeed, but it is the best for the baby, no? im not sure, all I want is a healthy and happy baby.
Anyway, 15 more weeks to go, I will continue to enjoy the pregnancy and wait for my baby to be in my arms. Babygirl, continue to grow strong and steady. Mama will do anything just to make sure you are safe and healthy. Papa is working very hard to make sure you get the best in everything ok? love you my little sweetheart.