We have researched for months for a good and reasonably priced electric breast pump and have finally settled for the Cimilre (Spectra) S2+.
This is a dual pump though it ships with only one flange set by default. I ordered the other side from another site at $36. And it’s hospital grade!
This newer S2+ model did away with the need for a Y-connector for splitting the output. Instead, it has two outlets on the pump itself and has a seal that covers the 2nd outlet by default unless you need to attach the second side.
Based on our research, Medela breast pumps are grossly overpriced and failed to outperform the cheaper Spectra / Cimilre models. We initially wanted to get the M1 version which is smaller and battery operated. However, we decided to invest slightly more to get the hospital grade version instead. The S1 was part of our consideration as well but it was blue in colour and has a built-in battery. The built-in battery is good to have but I felt that if we needed that portability, we could get the Spectra 9+ instead.
We got our S2+ from Lazada and it arrived via FedEx and Taqbin after 9 days. Although it doesn’t come with warranty, the attractive price made it much cheaper than local sellers.
Upon receiving the package, we tested the pump and found the suction power strong and adjustable (12 levels). The default mode when you power on, is the let down / massage mode which is gentle and intended to stimulate the milk flow. Once the milk flow is started, switch to normal mode with just a touch of a button. Some guides we found suggests toggling let down (massage) mode frequently between pumping to trigger more milk flow.
Some of our friends have bought Spectra breast pumps and found them much better than Avent or Medela. We are glad that we did not part with $599 to $799 for the overpriced Medela pumps.
One last tip, the default flange size provided in the set is the 28mm one. This may or may not be too large for Asians (Nope, that’s got nothing to do with the size of the breasts but the nipples). You can either purchase 24mm flanges or a silicone massager accessory that fits over the nipples. These can be purchased locally from sellers.